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A trading journal that will help you become a better trader

Software with all the features you need to keep track of your trading and investing

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Accepted brokers
Journaling Journal your trades in a effective way. The more you use your trading journal, the more you can analyze and help sharpen your trading edge.
Data Analysis Our trading journal software takes your data and identifies weak area in your trading and reports them back to you. Before you can become profitable you must know where to start.
Boost Performance Almost all of our trading losses can be traced back to a set of trading mistakes. It is up to us to identify which mistakes are making us lose money and rectify them on our next trading day.

Daily journal and planning

Journal Trades Each day journal what happen during your trading day to look back and reflect.
Create a game-plan Create your upcoming week game-plan and have them all in one folder and area.
Daily reviews Review past entry's and compare to see where you are making mistakes.
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In-Depth Trade Tracking

Create customizable tags Keep track of your setups and mistakes by tagging your trades.
Entry's and exits Automatically displays your buy and sell entry points on the chart.
Interactive insights Set your stops and targets and track how close you are from them.
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Frequently asked question

What assets do you accept? Stocks, Options, Crypto at the moment and will be adding more!
Do you offer refunds? We don’t offer a refund, we do offer a 7-day free trial to try out the platform. Additionally, you can cancel at any time
How secure is my data? Your trades are safely stored on the cloud with Microsoft Servers. Data is backed up in multiple regions to guarantee the availability of your information at all times.
Does TraderMesh place trades for you? TraderMesh is NOT a brokerage. TraderMesh is used to transfer trading data into our software to track and analyze your trading performance.
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